Monday, May 5, 2008

Mashups - Week 10

Hello! today I learned about mashups, I learnt that a mashup is an application that combines data from more than one source into a sinlg integrated tool. I checked out Mappr then I had a look at BigHugeLab, a site where you can do cool stuff with your photos such as making id cards, calendars, jigsaws. The I looked at London a life in maps. I also checked out Voicethread a site where you can add voice information to a digital image. I had a look at Googel Maps API. I then did the exercise, I had to create a mashup and upload it to my blog. My mashup was a jigsaw image of the Sydney Opera House. In libraries mashups such as Vicethread could be used for local history and tourist information.

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

Very nice - it's amazing what you can produce with mashups.

Mylee (PLS)